Sunday, March 24, 2013

Artist’s Statement:

1.     Modular Relief
In working as a design team, we began by proposing the eventual form, function, and unity of the final construction. It was important for the piece to be a joint effort and to reflect the design aesthetics of both team members as individuals. In our modular relief structure, we centered our project on the repetition of origami hearts of varying sizes. The overlapping of the paper hearts in conjunction with the transition and gradation of size of the separate units allowed for the development of unity and rhythm within the piece. Along with this, our wall hanging also exhibits the design element of symmetry through its use of mirrored forms.
2.     Serial planes samples / curvilinear foam-core sample structure
When developing my serial plane samples, I felt it important to focus on the gradual transition in size and shape from one plane to another. To me, the organization and craftsmanship of each experimental structure were most important. Keeping these two things in mind, I felt it easier to then pay strict attention to the interaction of the planes, their shape, stability, and use of space. When approaching the curvilinear foam-core sample structure, I focused on similar design elements. However, along with my previous considerations I shifted my focus to the specific visual interaction of architectural planes.
3.     Architectonic sculpture w/ re-purposed materials
My initial inspiration for this project came from the growth and structure of flowers. After thorough research I narrowed my creative inspiration down to the structure and form of the stamen, the male reproductive organ of a flower. In my piece I used the repetition of forms to develop a sense of synergy. I did this by joining several smaller, individual forms together to create a larger three-dimensional piece. This allowed for the creation of positive and negative space within the sculpture. Along with this, I wanted my piece to be symmetrical in shape, reflecting the growth patterns of a flower. To adhere to the project requirements, I relied heavily on the use of recycled materials, such as the newspaper, and the use of the Terracycle wrappers. Also, to create visual interest, I mounted and raised my sculpture onto a circular base that allowed me to incorporate the use of serial planes as a support system. Overall, I am very pleased with the physical stability and visual balance of my sculpture.

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