Saturday, February 16, 2013

Artist: Luciana Rondolini

Luciana Rondolini is an Argentinian artist who explores the ideas of artificiality, beauty, and value within her work. 

Her most recent work incorporates actual fruit, which shall inevitably decay over time.  The exterior of the fruits (apples, bananas, pears, etc.) are encrusted with jewels.  In contrast with this, portions of the insides of the fruits are exposed.  This exhibition of the decaying inner flesh is a deliberate move by the artist.  She wants to make the viewer think about the “manufactured aesthetic” that dominates the culture of today.

 Along with her 3-dimensional work, Rondolini incorporates drawings into her exhibitions as well.  These drawings are an extension of her other works and therefore possess a similar meaning. 

Her work is very intriguing and captivating.  I enjoy the message that she expresses through her art and the way in which she presents it.  If I had the opportunity, I would love to view the decaying fruits in person.


  1. Some one in my experimental design class had her in their presentation. I really love her ingenious idea to create pieces that change over time in a way we would usually see as disgusting, but now we view it as "beautiful" or "art." It really makes you question your perception!

  2. I agree..very interesting to incorporate the duality of decay, and encrusted precious objects. It makes you question what we consider to be beautiful, and what social identity the object possess?
