Saturday, April 27, 2013

Lego Shark Attack

Still working on wrapping up my stop motion animation. Can't wait to put everything together! For now, here's a cute stop motion I found on Youtube! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Animation: Narrative

            My animation is heavily influenced by children’s book illustrations.  It is intended to be fun and happy while still portraying a moral or message.  The central character to the story is Buckins the bulldog.  The animation begins with him walking alone into town.  He then notices a burning building with an innocent baby bird stuck inside.  Buckins speaks with Mr. and Mrs. Bird who ask for his assistance in saving their child.  Our hero Buckins quickly sniffs out a solution to helping Baby Bird.  With the help of a nearby fire hydrant, the flames are doused and he is saved.  In the end, all is well and Buckins is able to return to his walk through town.  The basic moral of the animation is to help those who are in need. 
This stop motion animation is shot vertically using several frames to express the narrative.  Portions of the video are close ups while others are shot with the entire set and scene in full view.  To create further interest, editing will be done to several of the frames.  Additionally, original music will be played simultaneously with the animation.

Animation: Rough Draft of Video Footage

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Animation: Process

Things are slowly starting to come together . . .

Animation: The Beginnings

I thought that now would be a good time to make a post about my animation and what I am going to do for it. I'm really excited about the project & hope that everything goes according to my plans. To sum it up briefly, my animation will draw inspiration from children's book illustration. It will have a few central characters and a short story line which will contain a moral within it. I'm psyched about this project, but am trying to limit myself and not get too elaborate due to the time restraints we are under. Regardless, I think that the end result and the process leading up to it will be a lot of fun! I've saved quite a few inspirational images on my iPad. Here are just a few of them:

Monday, April 8, 2013

Animation Test

Here's a look at the stop motion animation I created in class today. I'm really excited for this project & enjoyed experimenting with the app OSnap!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Process Shots

Platonic Solids

Recycled Materials Project

Recycled Materials Project

Recycled Materials Project

Recycled Materials Project